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10 Euros

Primer Plato



Crema de veduras

(Cream of vegetable soup)

Ensalada mixta

(Mixed salad)

Esparragos con mayonesa

(Asparagus with mayonnaise)


(Tomato and serrano ham blend with virgin olive oil)

Melón con jamón

(Melon with ham)

Espaguetis boloñesa

(Spaghetti bolognese)

Espaguetis carbonara

(Spaghetti carbonara)

Arroz a la cubana

(Cuban rice)

Plato Principal

(Main Course)

Escalope de ternera a la milanesa

(Veal Schnitzel)

Pechuga de pollo a la plancha, patatas y huevo

(Grilled breast of chicken, potatoes and egg)

Lomo de cerdo a la plancha con patatas y huevo

(Grilled tenderloin with potatoes and egg)

Chorizo a la plancha con patatas y huevo frito

(Spanish sausages with potatoes and fried egg)



Bacalao rebozado con patatas

(Battered cod with potatoes)

Pan y postre o café

(Bread and dessert or coffee included)